亚游国际的使命, along with its rich history and cherished traditions, serves as the fundamental cornerstone that sets us apart.


植根于天主教信仰的, 亚游国际 offers young women a transformational college preparatory education, challenging them to live Christ-centered lives of 领导 and service.

帕多瓦的校训, 斯瓦维特说,翻译过来就是“温柔”, but Strongly" and describes the qualities of an educated woman: nurturing and responsive to the uniqueness of others, 但目标明确,意志坚定, accepting a responsible role in the global community.  At the heart of 帕多瓦's education are our four pillars:  灵性, 奖学金, 服务和姐妹情谊.


1954年,圣. Anthony of 帕多瓦 grade school voiced their desire for a "school of their own." Today, we proudly stand as the result of their courageous request. 六十多年来, 亚游国际 has been dedicated to providing a transformative educational experience rooted in faith. 

Rev创立. 约瑟夫·L. 麦科伊, OSFS, our beloved "school with a soul" on Broom Street was built through the efforts of the members of St. 帕多瓦教区的安东尼,由鼓舞人心的神父领导. Roberto Balducelli, OSFS(图). 在早期,圣公会的成员. 弗朗西斯·德·萨勒斯和圣. Francis of Philadelphia administered and staffed the school. To ensure a continuing tradition in the founding spirit, St. 弗朗西斯·德·萨莱斯和圣. Francis of Assisi were chosen as the patrons of the school.

亚游国际 has had three different buildings throughout its history. 第一座建筑建于1954年,位于圣. Anthony's of 帕多瓦 Parish School, located at 9th and Scott Street. 随着学校的成长, it expanded into the building across the street known as Balducelli Hall Annex.
By 1966, plans were underway to begin construction on Broom Street. 1972年秋天, the building was almost (though not quite) complete, and students relocated once again to our current location at 10th and Broom Streets and construction continued. On November 24, 1974 the new school held its dedication.


Our school spirit is a vibrant reflection of our faith, 彼此相爱, and our deep appreciation for God's provision of a safe and nurturing environment for us to grow as a community. This unity is demonstrated through our enthusiastic support for the academic, 运动, 艺术, 以及所有的服务成就.

传统 帕多瓦 students have to look forward to are:  类天, 精神周, 大姐姐/小妹妹, 新生召开, 大二学生莉莉·马斯, 小环质量, 万圣节游行, 圣诞树装饰, 天主教学校周, 遇到, 长者精神周, 升班礼/闭幕礼, 和学士学位等等.

作为亚游国际精神周的一部分, each grade is assigned a specific color that represents their collective identity and participation in the festivities.


  • 新生

  • 二年级的学生

  • 初中

  • 老年人



  • 颜色

    The traditional school colors are Franciscan Brown and Gold. The addition of black and yellow was due to manufacturing issues, specifically the difficulty in purchasing brown materials and the need for special orders. 黑色更容易买到.
  • 学校盖章

    The school seal includes symbols of all the founding charisms, incorporating elements of St. 帕多瓦教区的安东尼(百合), 耶稣万岁, 活的耶稣), and Franciscan traditions (crossed arms of Christ & St. 亚西西的方济各). 
  • 标志

    The school logo includes the school name (or simply the capital P) with a cross aligned with the first letter of 帕多瓦. The 运动 logo is a capital P split diagonally with black and gold and proudly displayed on our 运动 uniforms.
  • 学校的吉祥物

    亚游国际的吉祥物是熊猫.  You never know when the Panda will make an appearance at school or games.  亚游国际为亚游国际的学生和校友感到骄傲, and often use this phrase / hashtag along with #帕多瓦Proud.


The Alma Mater that is currently sung at our school today is not the original school song. 亚游国际的校歌被改写了两次, most recently in the early 2000s due to it containing several high notes that the students found difficult to sing.  下面是所有三个版本.

原创校歌, 题目是“棕色和金色”,,于6月1日首次公开演出, 1958, 在帕多瓦大学第一次毕业典礼上. The lyrics and music of this song were created by Sister Mary Bonagratia, who served as the Supervisor of Schools for the sisters of St. 弗朗西斯的阿西西,费城基金会. 圣修女会. Francis of Philadelphia were the first to staff 亚游国际.

“嗨,帕多瓦!", the second school song was arranged by Jo McKee Travers, 歌词和音乐由弗朗西斯·玛丽修女演唱, OSF. 



We want to acknowledge all of our 亚游国际 graduates, past and present. The school song will vary depending upon your graduation year. It's not uncommon for schools to have variations or updates to their songs or colors over time. These changes may be influenced by factors such as evolving traditions, 学校领导, 或者学生输入. Please know that 亚游国际 cherishes its alumnae, and each graduating class contributes to the rich history and legacy of the school.
灵性. 奖学金. 服务. 姐妹关系.